Rio Grande Southern ten-wheeler (4-6-0) #20, built by Schenectady Locomotive Works in 1899 originally for the Florence & Cripple Creek Railroad.

Rio Grande Southern bunk car #01789, dating from 1887 (originally it was a boxcar built for the Denver & Rio Grande), it was used on work trains.

Business car Rico used as an office by Rio Grande Southern superintendent for its inspections. It was built in 1882, originally as a postal car for the Denver & Rio Grande.

Stock car #7064 dating from 1900 and bought used in 1938 by the Rio Grande Southern from the Colorado & Southern (preserved in its original C&S appearance).

Caboose #404, the only piece of rolling stock built new by the Rio Grande Southern, it dates from 1902 and has been used until the abandonment of the railroad in 1951.

Rio Grande K-27 mikado #463 (seen on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad). This engine and several others of its class have been used on the Rio Grande Southern (2 were bought from the D&RGW).

Rio Grande Southern short caboose #0400, now at the Georgetown Loop Railroad (Colorado). It was built in 1891 by the Denver & Rio Grande.